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Producing Rhetorical Arguments

This project is for Kendall Leon’s ENG 335: Rhetoric and Writing course. This project invites you to draw on your knowledge of rhetorical theory and practice to compose your own argument about a current kairotic issue. To do this, you will select a local, national or international issue and compose three persuasive editorials for a publication responding to the issue, each taking a different stance. You will gather accompanying contextual information about the rhetorical situation that your editorial addresses (including a description of the issue, context, and audience).


Here, I took the rhetorical situation of Colin Kaepernick and the NFL and used my rhetorical knowledge to use different discourses and apply rhetorical skills and knowledge to create different text personas in a range of rhetorical contexts.


I believe this paper satisfies the following program standards:


Composition and Rhetoric

  • Read and study the rhetorical features of literary and non-literary texts, both fiction and non-fiction.

  • Analyze rhetorical and structural differences between oral written language to explain relations between speaking and writing.  Study and apply aspects of oral and written composing processes.

  • Use and analyze grammatical elements of oral and written English for a variety of rhetorical effects.

  • Consistently and accurately apply the conventions of oral and written English.

  • Learn and apply advanced research strategies for academic work in English, including collection, integration and citation of data.


Communications: Speech, Media and Creative Performance

  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze and respond to components of communication discourse such as audience feedback, supportive listening and critical thinking.

  • Produce creative writing in a variety of genres using processes and techniques that enhance the text.

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