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Teaching Statement

Social constructivism aligns with what I believe in regards to the purpose of education because the unique perspectives that students bring to the classroom are invaluable, as they can provide new insight to the class that the teacher themselves could not provide.


As educators, we are responsible for challenging students’ current knowledge through the incorporation of collaborative learning so that they may become critical thinkers. Creating this space allows students the chance to navigate the rhetoric that they are confronted with in both their schooling and in their personal lives. Through collaborative work, my students will know that the learning they are doing will not only benefit them academically, but also in their everyday lives. My students will learn about rhetoric and the power our words have in our society. When students are responsible for critical thinking, they learn to not only think critically with their own ideas, but also in the lens of other students. This gives students a space in which to develop empathy, where they can respect other cultures, backgrounds, and world views through learning from other perspectives. Students can be challenged by contrasting ideas and diversity among the classroom to undo previous conceptions that lack empathy. Through collaborative group work and student led discussions, students can learn from one another how to honor the dignity of one another.

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